About Cibolo Creek Tactical
Welcome to Cibolo Creek Tactical - the go-to source for all your preparedness needs. We specialize in providing expert advice on tactical preparedness, disaster preparedness, and adventure preparedness. Our team of experienced professionals is dedicated to helping you prepare for anything, whether it's a bug out or bug in situation, or simply navigating the great outdoors. We pride ourselves on our extensive knowledge and practical experience, and we're here to share that knowledge with you. So why wait? Start exploring our site today and take the first step towards being prepared for whatever the future may hold.
Veteran owned and operated with over 26 years of active military service and over a decade as a defense contractor. During that time, 10 years were in Infantry assignments to include three different Long Range Surveillance Detachments and the remaining 16 years was in Special Forces, Green Berets. Throughout over a quarter century of service to this country, conducted operations all over Africa training indigenous troops in Foreign Internal Defense (FID), Small Unit Tactics (SUT) and Unconventional Warfare (UW). Some notable events: Trained the Rwandan Demining Office to establish and increase the mine clearance capacity of the Rwandan Patriotic Army after the 1994 genocide and served as part of a Regional Security Team conducting Threat and Vulnerability Assessments of the US government locations in multiple high threat countries around the globe. Overall deploying to multiple countries in the Far East, Africa, Central America, Middle East, and Central Asia including combat actions in Operation Desert Storm, Operation Enduring Freedom and Operation Iraqi Freedom.